Frank Brün

Dipl.-Kfm. Frank Brün FRICS SIOR
Managing Partner Phorus Management GmbH

Chartered Surveyor (Fellow), Immobilienökonom (ebs),
Member of  SIOR, Accredited Licensed Real Estate-Trustee and Independent Real Estate Consultant in Vienna.

Long standing management and leadership experience in the real
estate and financial investment sector in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, and Hungary for Institutional Investors, Foundations and Private Individuals.

Head of the VIENNA RESEARCH FORUM office and logistic/industrial

Initiator and founding chair of AREAMA – Austrian Real Estate Asset Management Association and co-author of trend studies in cooperation with RICS, ÖVI, real estate institutions of higher education for the development of the occupational profie and scope of work of Asset Management in Austria .

Hands on restructuring rollouts in the field of executive management support, distressed real estate, turn around, transactions, portfolio management, and corporate real estate.

  • Numerous assignments as Interim Manager as
    Head of Real Estate Investment, Portfolio, and Asset Management
  • Member of the board, stock listed real estate company
  • Director Real Estate Investments, American Distressed Investor
  • Head of Real Estate Investments and Operations, Private Wealth Management,
  • Corporate Real Estate Management, large industrial corporation
  • Senior controller and real estate developer with an affiliate of a large German construction corporation

Degree in business administration from Frankfurt University and a post graduate degree in real estate from the European Business School in Oestrich Winkel.

Board Chair RICS Österreich (2016-2019) ◦ Board Member of RICS Continental European Standards Board (CESB), Brussels (2010-2013) ◦Board Member RICS Deutschland e.V. (2004-2010) ◦ founding board member ImmQu e.V., Vienna ◦ founding Chair AREAMA, Vienna ◦ SIOR member since 2024